Monday, February 27, 2012


Hi everyone! I am going to be trying out some thing new this and next week. From today till next Friday I will be interviewing 4 or so people about different things. Every few days you will get a new interview to read. The best way of learning is through others experiences! Here is the first interview:

Q & A with Rianna
Rianna is my best friend and recently moved to Florida. These aren't her exact words because I dit up a little bit before I turned it in for a homework assignment.

How did it feel moving to a new school?

It was hard to find all my classes but it got really easy and now I love this school. I have a lot of friends and amazing teachers.

Did you make friends easily?

I met new friends on my first day and still have a strong friendly relationship with all of them.

What was different from your old school?

The thing that was different from my old school was that you were allowed to use your phones at lunch time and we have less homework now.

What was the most different: Florida or the new school? Why?

Florida was way more different than Chicago because Florida is warmer than Chicago and in Miami it
barley ever snows. School wasn’t as different because it really didn’t differ from my old school.

What is your favorite part of your house?

My own bedroom and my own bathroom in my room. It is my favorite thing because in the old house
I did not have my own bathroom so I had to share with my brother. In this house I have my own
bathroom and I don't have to share it. Yayy for me!!

What is your favorite part of your neighborhood? Why?

My favorite part of the neighborhood is the people because they are really nice and helpful.

What do you have as a remembrance of us?

I have the scrapbook you made me and photos we took in Chicago of our last days there. I also have
your picture on my desk at home.

Can you describe the houses in your neighborhood?

The houses are humongous and beautiful. I love them sooo much! I love to just walk around the
neighborhood and look at them.

What is the most exciting thing about Florida?

All the people and the shops and MALLS!!!!!!!!!!

What do you miss from Chicago? Why?

I miss my friends and cousins.

Where do you go for fun and recreation?

The malls. It is amazing how many malls they have. You can never get bored of the shops. Ever. I also
babysit our neighbor’s twins. Every Friday, after school ends, all the kids in school go to the Coldstone by the school. It is really fun to see everyone there. The pool in my backyard is almost done, so that is also another place where I would go for fun.

Has your family ever moved before this?

I have never moved in my life before this, so this was a really big change for me.

What have you learned from this experience?

I’ve realized that I’m capable of picking up and moving all of a sudden. I never thought I would be able to do it, but I’ve realized that even though I miss all of you, I am adjusting to life over here well too.

Thanks Rianna!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Long time no blog!

This weekend we went to Cascade Mountain, a really amazing ski resort. We arrived Saturday morning and skied the whole day. My neck is really sore from all the fun!! We stayed overnight at a hotel and ate breakfast there. Now we are all back home. I did all but one of the green hills (easiest), two blue hills (harder), and 1 black diamond (hardest). I ended up getting stuck and having to scoot down one of the blue hills on my bottom. It was really funny. How was your weekends?

Monday, February 20, 2012


All of us in the tent.

Our b-e-a-utiful nails. Mine are all pink, Kareena's are pink and silver, and Reha wanted a different color for each finger.

A full picture of the tent. Sorry about the phone pictures.
On Saturday our friends Kareena and Reha came over for a sleepover. I did all their nails, and we made a tent out of blankets and chairs ( it's going to take a long time to clean up!). We ate popcorn and candy in the tent while we watched Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. It was lots of fun! We ended up sleeping in the tent yesterday night. I made waffles for everyone today morning and we are heading to Ikea soon. Hope all of your long weekends were great! I got my story-writing notebook back, so I am starting to type it up. I'm hoping to be done with it within the next few months!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Things......

Oh, look at me posting twice in 1 day!!
As part of my resolution (I didn't blog this one) I have been carrying around an assortment of notebooks around with me to jot down story ideas, sayings, and names that come to mind. Before, I used to think of them, but by the time I got a pencil and paper I forgot what I was going to write. The answer? I made a notebook at my friend Jenna's sleepover out of a legal pad and some stamp stickers. Now I carry it around and write my strange ideas in it. Yesterday, we went to the pool and I couldn't stop replaying situations in my head and turning them into short stories. I wrote them down, and  really like the gripping thriller I am on the track of. Just a few weeks ago I wrote a little story on the life of an indentured servant and I ended up using it in a Social Studies assignment.

I also got this backpack as a belated Christmas present from my friend Brie. Perfect for India!!

Over the summer I also got this bulletin board from Marshalls. I just put some new pictures on it so I thought I'd take some pictures of it.

Wishing you all a great week!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Every year I bring Valentines for my class, but this year I made them extra special. I made a crossword puzzle (which I thought was going to be extremely hard, but it wasn't, thanks to Discovery Puzzle Maker. Oh silly brain, you and your expectations.) using their nicknames. .Then I taped and rolled it up on a pencil like a scroll. They go with some erasers (cupcakes for the girls and mini frogs for the boys) I got at Target. I'll upload some pictures of them soon.

I am really excited to see The Hunger Games movies, because I loved books 1 and 2 in the series. Book three was good, but the ending was suck-ish. For books with so much adventure, I was wishing the ending was a bit better.

Well, thats all. Hope that all of your Januaries ( that is probably not spelled right, but I have better things to do than to look up how to spell the plural form of January. You know what it means.) were filled with excitement.

Oh!!! And I wanted to say that I made it to 1000 views about a week and a half ago. Thanks for all your continual support!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hello again..

Hi everyone! Long time no post. Unfortunately, my laptop charger busted, and dad tried to fix it, but he ended up chopping it up instead. So I have been waiting for the new charger to arrive, but until it does, I am going to be posting from Dad's work laptop. The work laptop takes a long time to turn on, though, so that's why I haven't posted in a while.

My school is very close knit. My class has only 16 students, so we are like a little family. We just got a new student today, so we were really excited. He just moved here from China and doesn't speak a lot of English. He is very nice though, and has adjusted well.

Kiren's Girl scout troop participates in a yearly program called 'Thinking Day.' For Thinking Day every troop chooses a country to do research on and present it to the other troops on Thinking Day ( This Saturday.) This year, the troop has decided to do India. I an going to talk about bharatanatyam and Mom is going to make idli and sambar for them.

Well, other than that, no news from here. Hope that all of your 'Superbowl' Weekends were fun.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing............

There are so many long-term things going  on here rather than short term. India trip has just taken over a larger part of my brain, so I am thinking about it a lot. Really my schedule is empty, even though I really think it is very full. I have been thinking about the possible Canada trip, my newest story, India, homework...... lots and lots to do, it seems, but really most of this I don't have to worry about for a while. School's been fun, and I am just realizing that I am almost done with my 7th grade year. WOW! My class of 16 has been even smaller recently because of the flu. Today we only had 13 kids show up.

 Sometimes it feels good just to lay back and watch the time fly. But it's during times like those when I miss all of you.

Hoping that you are happy and safe, enjoying the new month!
