Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Every year I bring Valentines for my class, but this year I made them extra special. I made a crossword puzzle (which I thought was going to be extremely hard, but it wasn't, thanks to Discovery Puzzle Maker. Oh silly brain, you and your expectations.) using their nicknames. .Then I taped and rolled it up on a pencil like a scroll. They go with some erasers (cupcakes for the girls and mini frogs for the boys) I got at Target. I'll upload some pictures of them soon.

I am really excited to see The Hunger Games movies, because I loved books 1 and 2 in the series. Book three was good, but the ending was suck-ish. For books with so much adventure, I was wishing the ending was a bit better.

Well, thats all. Hope that all of your Januaries ( that is probably not spelled right, but I have better things to do than to look up how to spell the plural form of January. You know what it means.) were filled with excitement.

Oh!!! And I wanted to say that I made it to 1000 views about a week and a half ago. Thanks for all your continual support!


  1. Happy Valentine's day dear Yuna......good writing ..waiting to read your new story.

    love ..ammachi.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you too Yuna ma! January was okie for me, hope our Februaries are better ;-)
